Vinod Daroz

Originally from the South of India, Vinod Daroz lives and works in Baroda. He studied sculpture at the Faculty of Fine Arts, M .S. University, completing his post-graduation (MFA) in ceramic sculpture in 1999. He has had more than 14 Solo Shows and many group shows till to date with prestigious galleries Nationally and Internationally, the most recent being the solo show ‘Aikyam/Oneness’ at Kalakriti Art Gallery, Hyderabad and India Art Fair, New Delhi. The recipient of several awards and residencies, he is a Charles Wallace fellow and a member of International Academy of Ceramics (IAC), Geneva and International Ceramic Artists Association, China, among others. His works reside in several famous museums and private collections, world over.

“At the very core of Vinod’s artwork lies his reverence for the sacredness of nature, and a homage to the eternal union of male and female energies. Vinod Daroz employs motifs like the egg, the butterfly and pupa, flowers and buds, shells, seeds and the most powerful symbol of oneness – the linga and yoni, or the sacred representation of male and female regenerative organs, as the very basis of his creations. The forms appear in abstracted and stylised, reiterating the underlying notions of union. Within his work is contained a deep integration of ceramic creative processes and philosophical underpinnings; it becomes a space for expressing his own connection with the physical world and a spiritual one.”

The works in this exhibition reiterate the idea of oneness in the disparate ideas of masculine and feminine energies through the depiction of temple sculpture iconography and sacred narratives. “The visible brush strokes seen in Composition—2 (Hoop) reminds one of the age- old patinas seen in ancient temples, whilst the embroidery hoops hark to the traditionally female crafts. Vibrant colour, exquisite detail and the mirror- like surface in Composition—1 (Aikyam) are in contrast to the former work, yet explore the same subject matter in a three dimensional form floating atop a lotus flower background.”

– Lina Vincent

Vinod Daroz