Vijay Bagodi
Vijay Bagodi has a Diploma in Painting and Post Diploma in Printmaking (Graphic Arts), Faculty of Fine Arts, M.S.University of Baroda, Vadodara, Gujarat State in 1984 and 1986 respectively. His recent exhibitions include the recent years Confluence Celebrating India Bangladesh Printmaking at Visual Art Gallery & Open Palm Court, India Habitat Centre, January 2020; Eminent Printmakers of India, 1st Print Biennale India, 2018; Fifth Beijing International Art Biennale, Beijing, 2012; Exhibition of Contemporary Indian Printmaking, Wharepuk, New Zealand, 2012 Triennale Mondiale De L’estampe in Chamalieres Auvergne-Rhones ALPES, France, 2017; Guanlan International Print Biennial in 2016. Presently, he is the Dean of the Faculty of Fine Arts and Head of Department of Graphic Arts.
Vijay Bagodi has been practicing printmaking for more than 30 years and his medium of preference is Intaglio. His likeness towards drawing as a student in his mid-eighties evolved in him a love for the line and later as a printmaker, it transmuted in his works. His images start with linear explorations and tones and textures are added gradually to build theimages. Printmaking strengthens the drawing hand and develops an excellent visual sense and these skills are invaluable factors in his practice.