Inscapes: In Search of a Place
Dec 18, 2023 - Dec 24, 2023

Inscapes: In Search of a Place | Curated by Premjish Achari
Throughout history landscapes have been an important visual foundation for artistic practice. Its artistic presence across various cultures and time periods has led to the emergence of landscape as an important genre in art. Though used as an umbrella term or misunderstood as a monolithic practice the diverse forms of artistic expression that engage with the space around them attest to the heterogeneity of this genre. This diversity of practices calls for a curatorial revisit to understand the contemporary artistic engagement with landscape. Though landscape is considered as the representation of an external reality, this exhibition correlates it as an expression of artistic interiority. The curatorial premise of inscape allows us to explore various artistic practices that engage with psychogeography, cultural rootedness, atmospheric pieces, and visual reconfiguring of the spaces. The idea is inspired by the classical Sangam poetic tradition where the five ecozones/landscapes (tinais) were closely integrated with the emotional conditions of the characters.
“Inscapes: In Search of a Place,” is an all-encompassing odyssey into the depths of artistic exploration, where landscapes shift from mere external backdrops to internal gateways. Through these portals, one is transported into a mesmerizing tapestry of human emotion and imagination, spiralling through the infinite complexities of the soul’s deepest desires and fears.
Throughout the annals of time and across diverse civilizations, landscapes have stood as powerful backdrops for tales spun by brilliant artists. Yet, within this kaleidoscope of creative expression, the landscape reveals itself not as a singular entity but as a mosaic of textured terrain, a symphony of colors, brushstrokes, photographic impressions, and residues of drawings that speak to the wondrous heterogeneity found within this genre.
This exhibition beckons you to join us on a curatorial voyage, a rediscovery of the contemporary engagement with landscape—one that goes beyond traditional depictions. In this realm of “inscapes,” nature is not just a reflection of reality, but a manifestation of the artist’s inner self. Drawing inspiration from the Sangam tradition of poetry, where emotional landscapes intertwine with the physical, we embark on an odyssey to unravel the depths of meaning within the landscape that surrounds us.
Infinite landscapes, immortalized in strokes and pixels, beckon the viewer to witness an evolution of artistic expression. In this reflection lies not just the visual, but the very essence of the artist’s interiority – a symbiotic dance between external vistas and internal musings captured in the myriad possible ways through which images are rendered. By utilizing psychogeographic techniques, artistic interventions immerse us in the intricate maze of urban consciousness. As artists traverse through the cityscape, they unravel its concealed stories, using psychogeography as a guide to chart the emotional landscapes of our communal environments. Mapping of landscapes and cultural identities invites contemplation on the intersection of geography and culture. Artists take on the role of cartographers, not only marking out physical territories, but also capturing the intangible aspects of shared traditions, histories, and memories in the collective consciousness.
Intricate and evocative, these atmospheric masterpieces transport you to emotive realms where the air thrums with the very essence of nature. They transcend beyond mere visuals, immersing you in a sensorial journey that extends far beyond the bounds of the canvas. Each stroke creates an immersive environment, echoing the emotional pulse of the earth herself. This exhibition is an exploration of the sublime, a search for the hidden stories that lie within our landscapes. Through its multiple media and perspectives, it invites us to traverse the boundaries of traditional landscape depictions, one in which we discover our shared connection to the land—one that binds us together in all its enchanting mystery.
– By Premjish Achari